
Friday, July 19, 2013

Best Verizon Free Phone: Droid RAZR M

Best Free Phone from Verizon Wireless

My wife and kids switched their cell phone service from AT&T to Verizon recently.  I was still considering my options, so stayed with AT&T until I saw the free phones that my kids got.  I have gotten free phones before, in fact I have always gotten free cell phones.  If you sign up for a 2 year cell phone service contract, you always have some free cell phone choices.

Store display for free Droid RAZR M cell phone
Free Phone- Motorola Droid RAZR M from Verizon Wireless!
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Droid RAZR M- Best Free Phone

I was pleased when my wife informed me that the kids got free phones.  I wasn't expecting much from a free phone, but the Droid RAZR M is amazing.  It is a great Android device as well as a great phone.  It runs the latest Android Jelly Bean (4.1).  My son likes it better than his 4th generation iPod touch for playing games and watching videos.  Of course, I was concerned about data utilization.  The Verizon Family Plan we signed up for includes 2GB of data to be shared each month.  Playing games and watching videos for a few hours could easily burn through 2GB of data.  But the Droid RAZR M does a good job of automatically using Wi-Fi networks when available.  We have a Wi-Fi network at home, and have taken advantage of free Wi-Fi in restaurants and coffee shops when we are out and about.  The Droid RAZR M clearly shows on the display when you are using Wi-Fi data to download vs using 4G or 3G cell phone service.  The kids know to watch for this and only use data when they are connected to a Wi-Fi network.  Our data utilization has been almost zero so far.

The display on the Droid RAZR M is bright and clear.  The phone is very responsive, sporting dual 1.5GHz processors and 1GB RAM.  The Wi-Fi capability has been seamless, which is important since we plan to do almost all data utilization over Wi-Fi instead of the cellular network.  I have tried out the 4G wireless service for data access a couple times, and this seems to be about as fast as access over our home wireless network.

Cell phone options displayed on a wall display
Verizon Wireless Cell Phone Display- RAZR M is the best free phone
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

I switched to Verizon to Get a Free Droid RAZR M

After playing with my kids' phones and reading about the Droid RAZR M, I switched to Verizon so I could get a RAZR M as my free phone.  The RAZR M is the best free phone from Verizon.  The size of the phone is just right.  The screen size is 4.3 inches, which is small for a modern smart phone.

However, I prefer this size.  You can use the phone with one hand, and it is smaller in your pocket.  It is still plenty big for using the internet or watching videos- the screen extends all the way to the edges of the phone and is very easy to view.  The display is intuitive to zoom in and out to view pictures or web pages.  The larger cell phones now have 4.8 inch displays or even larger.  Droid DNA has a 5 inch display and Samsung Galaxy Note II has a 5.5 inch display.  A phone this large seems more like a tablet than a cell phone to me. I have heard these giant cell phones called "phablets"- for phone-tablets.  I want something smaller that is easy to carry in my pocket and use with one hand.

The best free cell phone you can get- RAZR M
Motorola Droid RAZR M- Best Free Phone!
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

The Droid RAZR M may be small in size, but is packed with features.  This phone has a compass built in.  The GPS seems to work very well.  The 8MP camera has a lot of features- I still haven't figured all of them out yet.  The back of the RAZR M is make of Kevlar and the body is made of aircraft grade aluminum.  The entire phone is treated with water repellent nanocoating   Here are more features of the Droid RAZR M for new owners from Motorola's blog.

If you are looking for a new cell phone, check out the Droid RAZR M- it is a great size, durable, light, thin, really quick, and FREE!

Recommended reading:

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