
Sunday, December 14, 2014



Why would a guy who likes saving money write a free book?  I once read there are only two reasons to write:  to make money or to be read.  Giving this book away free sort of eliminates the first reason...  So I must be writing this book for the second reason- to be read.

I think the price of my first book published about 10 months ago at $3.99 has kept a lot of people from getting to read it.  People looking to spend less money are not eager to spend money buying a book, even one that is a great value at $3.99...  A free book about spending less money should be far more appealing to those trying to spend less money than a book that you have to pay to read.

I started writing this book on my cell phone on an airplane flight- with my phone in “airplane mode”, of course...  While trapped in my seat for a couple hours I started typing a list of ways to spend less money and ended up with 101 tips. After I landed, I added some description, stories, and details to each tip to create a resource to help people spend less money.

The tips on saving money in this book can be used to save money, of course, but they can also help you think about money and spending in a different way.  Things look different when you have your debt and spending under control.  New possibilities open up.  You have more freedom and less stress.

I currently use many of the tips provided in this book to save money.  A few of the tips are good ideas that I am working to accomplish as I improve my penny pinching abilities.  Sometimes life happens and I spend money that maybe I shouldn’t.  Just this week I spent quite a bit of time and money at the vet’s office helping my sick dog.  There is always a balance between trying to avoid spending money and doing what you really want to do.  Use these 101 tips to help find and eliminate wasteful spending, leaving you with more money to do the meaningful things you want to accomplish and save for a bright future.


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