
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 100: Use fans to lower your bills

Tip 100: Use fans to lower your bills

Running an air conditioner in the summer to stay cool is expensive.  You can save money in the summer by raising your thermostat setting and using fans to stay cool.  Fans use much less electricity than air conditioning.  Place the fans so that the moving air is blowing on you to facilitate heat exchange and cool you off.  Use ceiling fans to inexpensively circulate cooler air from the floor toward the ceiling.  In summer, a ceiling fan should rotate counterclockwise when viewed from below.  The fan should turn so that the up-turned edge of the blade is leading.  This results in air being pushed down directly under the fan.  This ceiling fan direction provides the most cooling effect from moving air.

Another way to use fans to stay cool inexpensively is to pull cool air from outside into your house after dark when it cools down outside.

Your ceiling fan can also help save on utility bills in the winter.  You’ll need to reverse the direction of the ceiling fan using a switch on the fan so that it rotates in the proper direction.  In winter, the ceiling fan should turn clockwise when viewed from underneath so that downward turned edge of the fan blade is leading.  This results in air being pulled up toward the ceiling fan.  This will mix cooler air from near the floor with warmer air near the ceiling and circulate it throughout your living space.  This way you will be able to turn down your thermostat and still be comfortable.

Spend less on utility bills by letting fans keep you comfortable.


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