
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 42: Switch from soda to free water

Tip 42: Switch from soda to free water

Free is hard to beat, especially where beverages are concerned.  You can get a bottle of soda for about $1.50 that is loaded with calories for regular soda or loaded with chemicals for diet soda.  It takes some time to switch from drinking soda- if you are accustomed to drinking soda, then plain water will not taste very good.  If you are used to having caffeine, it will take time to get used to not having as much caffeine.  Start by substituting some of your soda with water and eventually try to have soda only for special occasions.  This is much healthier and will save lots of money too.

If you drink 2 sodas a day at $1.50 each, you'll save $90 per month by switching to water.  Just make sure to switch to free water- bottled water costs about as much as soda and is the same as tap water.  Some popular brands of bottled water are actually bottled from city water supplies- it is literally bottled tap water marked up from less than one cent worth of water.  You can easily bring your own water from home.  I sometimes use an aluminum water bottle and fill it with filtered water from my refrigerator.  You can usually find a place to fill your own water container during the day- for free.

Tap water is so cheap it is virtually free.  The cost of tap water is about 2 cents per 1000 gallons in most places.  All you need to take advantage of free drinks is a refillable bottle.  I have an aluminum bottle that I sometimes use.

You can save some money by drinking bottled water instead of soda.  You can get bottled water in large packs for around 30 cents per bottle, which is a lot cheaper than soda.  Tap water is much cheaper than bottled water if you want to save even more on beverages.


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