
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 56: Save on insurance with bundle discounts

Tip 56: Save on insurance with bundle discounts

Save on your insurance bill with a package that includes multiple policies from the same insurance company.  I get my home and vehicle insurance from the same insurance company and get a discount.  Plus I like the convenience of having only one insurance agent to deal with for all of my insurance needs.

It is pretty easy to get a quote for insurance.  I have changed insurance companies a couple of times over the years to get the right coverage and the best deal.  I have had a lot of contact with my insurance company this year- I have had two car accidents to report.  Someone rear-ended my wife’s car, and I hit a deer with my car.  This is the first time we have had anything to report on vehicle insurance in about 15 years.

Sometimes hail presents an opportunity to get some money from your insurance company.  I am not advocating insurance fraud.  I am suggesting that you can check your vehicles for legitimate hail damage after a hail event, and also have someone check your roof for hail damage.  I have gotten two roof replacements free for hail damage and have received insurance checks for hail damage on cars as well.  For the best chance of recovering damage, contact the insurance company right away after a hail event and have an adjuster check out the damage.


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