
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 58: Wait 48 hours to buy

Tip 58: Wait 48 hours to buy

Many times when you feel like buying something, simply waiting a couple days can help you make a good decision.  It is so easy to buy something on impulse that it is likely you’ll end up buying something you don't really need.  Try waiting 48 hours on purchases like furniture and appliances.  Maybe you’ll decide you don’t really need new furniture, or maybe you’ll simply change your mind on the style or color after spending some time at home thinking about it.

There are few circumstances where you must buy quickly or the deal goes away.  In most situations, taking some time to think about a spending decision is a good move.  You can take some time to check out prices at other stores and consider other product options carefully.  You can look for coupons or deals on the internet.  You can check opportunities to buy similar used items for much less.  You can check your budget and make sure the potential purchase will be something that you can be happy with.  No matter what the item, if buying it will stretch your budget, you will likely be happier without that item.


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