
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 6: Sharpen disposable razor blades

Tip 6: Sharpen disposable razor blades

Disposable razor blades are expensive and don't seem to last very long.  Did you know you can sharpen them up just by rubbing them backwards against your skin?  I run the razor 20 times along my forearm and then 20 times along a towel.  This process keeps the razor sharp.  I don't think this actually sharpens the blades, but does keep them straight, clean, and dry which makes them last for a long time.

My wife usually keeps me supplied with razor blades, but one time I had to buy them myself and realized how expensive they are.  I considered using cheaper disposable razors, but then came across the idea of stropping disposable cartridge blades to sharpen them.  The concept is similar to sharpening a straight razor on a leather strap.  Keeping your disposable razor blades sharp by taking care of them is an example of applying some free maintenance to an item to make it last much longer and save money.

Note: if you try sharpening disposable razor blades, be sure to run the blades backwards along your skin.


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