
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 62: Reduce/avoid knick knacks and collectables

Tip 62: Reduce/avoid knick knacks and collectables

I am still overwhelmed by how much stuff we have.  We are still unpacking and putting away things from our recent move.  It seems like we have collected stuff that has no real use.  We have some coke collectibles, but don’t really display very many of them.  I have a collection of antique glass insulators from utility poles that was fun to collect, but I don’t really have a use for them now.  We have tons and tons of books.  Not literally tons... well maybe literally tons.  We have a lot of books.  I have lots of tools that I have collected- probably more than I can really use.  My wife has lots of fabric and craft stuff as well as some Pink Panther stuff that she has collected.  My kids have a rock collection- that was fun to move.  We have boxes of Star Trek and Star Wars toys stored in our attic and a collection of road signs in our garage.  Once you have collected stuff, sometimes it is hard to decide what to do with it all.

I have really cut down on collecting things that I don’t need.  Collecting stuff takes money and space- and lots of moving boxes when you move.  I have a collection of Santa Christmas ornaments that I still add to and display every year, and if I see a good antique rocket coin bank I would be interested.  Other than those few types of items, I am not looking to collect more things.


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