
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 27: Get an artificial Christmas tree

Tip 27: Get an artificial Christmas tree

For 10 years or so, we would buy a natural Christmas tree every year.  Although it was fun to bring home a fresh tree, it cost about $50 per year depending on the size and quality of the tree.  One year we got a potted live evergreen tree with the roots still attached and planted it in the yard in the spring after using it as a Christmas tree.

A few years ago after my favorite Christmas tree lot closed, I ended up getting an artificial Christmas tree instead of buying a natural Christmas tree each year.  The artificial Christmas tree cost under $100 and we have been using it for over 5 years so far.  This is another example of a small expense that can add up to a lot over years.  I think my parents have been using the same artificial Christmas tree for about 40 years- imagine how much they have saved on Christmas trees over the years.

Artificial trees are more convenient, since you only have to transport it home once, and they don't try out and drop needles like natural Christmas trees.  Also, I never really liked the idea of killing a tree just to use as a decoration.

Another way I keep expenses down during the holiday season is by not having outdoor Christmas lights.  I like to look at Christmas lights, but I am not a big fan of climbing around on a ladder trying to attach lights to my house or trees.  It is much easier to put some lighted decorations in windows that look nice from outside.  You can save a lot of wear and tear plus electricity by skipping outdoor the Christmas lights.

If you buy a natural Christmas tree every year, consider getting an artificial tree instead to save money.  You can even pine scented air freshener if you miss the smell of a natural Christmas tree...


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