
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 69: Carpool to save on vehicle expenses

Tip 69: Carpool to save on vehicle expenses

Years ago, my wife and I had one car between us.  I used a carpool to get to work so she could use the car most days.  A carpool is an inexpensive way to get to work since you are sharing expenses among several people.  Some employers help organize carpools and subsidize some of the costs.

The downside of a carpool is that you have to come and go on someone else's schedule.  A few times I had to leave meetings before they were finished- otherwise I would not have a ride home.  One morning, I started walking the 4 miles from my house to the carpool site at 5am before the sun came up.  I was walking along the road in complete darkness, I was wishing I had thought to bring a flashlight with me.  Driving your own car is certainly more convenient, but it is more expensive as well.

If you are willing to give up some convenience, you can save a lot of money by using a carpool.  If you can avoid owning a car altogether, you can save on the cost of buying the car, insurance, and maintenance expenses.


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