
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tip 70: Keep your car clean

Tip 70: Keep your car clean

How can you save money by keeping your car clean?  For one thing, avoid buying junk food or fast food to eat in your car when you are driving.  You will save money by not buying junk to bring into your car in the first place.  You can also avoid hauling extra junk in your car- the extra weight cuts your gas mileage and it costs more to drive around with extra stuff.  Take everything out of your car that you don’t need and find a place for it in your garage.  Once you get your car completely cleaned out, it is easier to keep it clean since any junk looks out of place.  Make a habit of taking any garbage or unneeded items out of your car whenever you get out.  It is a lot easier to do a little bit of work each time you get out instead of letting junk accumulate to the point where cleaning out your car becomes a project.

Save money by keeping the outside of your car clean too.  If you keep your car washed, even in wintertime, you can increase the life of the body of your car.  If your car is rusty and looks terrible, you may be tempted to buy a newer car before you really need to replace your car for mechanical reasons.  You can wash your car for almost free at home with a hose and some soap.  Sometimes I use special carwash soap, buy a little laundry soap seems to work fine too.  I try hand wax my cars in the fall and spring to help protect the finish.  I also try to apply touch-up paint to any chips in the paint a couple times a year to try to prevent rust.  Eventually, rust will win the battle, but I try to hold it off as long as possible.


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