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Penny Pincher Journal: How To Save Money Every Day
by Dr. Penny Pincher

Wouldn't it be nice if you had more money?  Well, you can!  The easiest way to get more money is to spend less of the money you already make.  This book provides tons of tips that will help you keep more of your money instead of giving it away to other people.  Why not start saving money today?

Audio Book Available Now!
I am excited to announce that an audiobook version of the Penny Pincher Journal book is now available!  I chose a narrator with a smooth voice that is easy to listen to for hours.  I think Jeffrey Holbrook has a great story-telling voice, just right for telling my tales of saving lots of money and imagining a frugal future.

You can listen to sample audio here, what do you think?

About the Book:
Penny Pincher Journal: How To Save Money Every Day provides valuable tips on saving money every day. Spend a day with Dr. Penny Pincher and learn to save $17,000 per year! Dr. Penny Pincher has a Ph.D. in engineering and likes to share the ways he has found to enjoy life more while spending less money. Learn how to spend less money on food, shoes, clothing, heating, fitness, razor blades, gasoline, coffee, jeans, cake, pet food, vehicle expenses and more. Plus, learn some easy ways to make money as you enjoy frugal living. Penny Pincher Journal will help you identify ways to enjoy life more and spend less money. How is this possible? Many things that people spend money on are simply not necessary and do not contribute to their happiness. Dr. Penny Pincher likes to find ways to eliminate unnecessary things that consume money and waste time.

About the Author:
Dr. Penny Pincher has a Ph.D. in engineering and lives and works in eastern Iowa with his wife and two sons. In 2013, Dr. Penny Pincher founded Penny Pincher Journal, a blog about saving money every day. His hobbies include drinking great coffee, annoying his family, riding his cheapcycle (cheap bicycle), and saving money every day.

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