Friday, May 3, 2013

Ceiling Fan Direction: Which direction should your ceiling fan rotate in summer and winter to save you money?

Ceiling Fan Direction- Set your Ceiling Fan to Rotate in the Right Direction

Display of a variety of ceiling fans
Most Ceiling Fans are Reversible for Summer and Winter
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Most ceiling fans can reverse direction.  This means that the fan can rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise when you are viewing it from below.  Your ceiling fan can help keep you more comfortable in winter by circulating warm air throughout your living area, reducing heating costs.  In summer, your ceiling fan can help cool you with moving air to create a windchill effect, keeping you cooler and saving money on air conditioning costs.

The cost to operate a ceiling fan is much lower than the cost to operate an air conditioner or furnace.  Using a ceiling fan properly can keep you comfortable at a higher thermostat setting in the summer or at a cooler thermostat setting in the winter, saving you money on heating and cooling costs.

It is not obvious by looking to determine the correct direction for a ceiling fan to rotate in summer and in winter.  I think it would be useful if the switch to reverse direction was somehow labeled to indicate the summer position and the winter position, but I have never seen one labeled.  Which way should your ceiling fan rotate?

Which direction should your ceiling fan rotate in summer and winter?  

Summer Ceiling Fan Direction

In summer, a ceiling fan should rotate counterclockwise when viewed from below.  The fan should turn so that the up-turned edge of the blade is leading.  This results in air being pushed down directly under the fan.  This ceiling fan direction provides the most cooling effect from moving air.

Winter Ceiling Fan Direction

In winter, the ceiling fan should turn clockwise when viewed from underneath so that downward turned edge of the fan blade is leading.  This results in air being pulled up toward the ceiling fan.  This will mix cooler air from near the floor with warmer air near the ceiling and circulate it throughout your living space.

Wrong Ceiling Fan Direction

Even if your ceiling fan is turning the wrong direction, you can still get some climate control benefit.  In winter, if your ceiling fan is turning in the summer direction, it will still circulate air and help move the warm air near the ceiling down to where you will feel it.  The downside is that you will feel the moving air from the ceiling fan and this may make you feel cooler.  In summer, if your ceiling fan is turning in the wrong direction you will not get the windchill effect under the fan, but moving air will help somewhat with cooling especially near the walls in the room where the ceiling fan is located.

How to reverse the rotation of your ceiling fan

Switch in Plain Sight

Most, but not all ceiling fans are reversible.  If your ceiling fan is reversible the most likely way to control the rotation direction is a switch on the outside of the fan.  The picture below shows the most common style and location of switch to reverse the ceiling fan direction.  Many switches are not labeled, but a switch like this on a ceiling fan is likely to control the blade direction.

Ceiling fan reverse direction switch is circled- this one can be seen easily
Ceiling Fan Reverse Direction Switch- this one is easily visible
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Where to find the Hidden Ceiling Fan Switch

How do you reverse the direction of your ceiling fan if there is no switch?  In some ceiling fans, the switch to change the direction of rotation is located on top of the fan.  This can be confusing- there are lots of questions posted on the internet by people looking for the reverse switch on their ceiling fan.  If you can’t see it standing under your ceiling fan, you may need to stand on a chair or use  a ladder to locate the switch on top.  The picture below shows a rotation direction switch on top of a ceiling fan.  There is no way to see this switch when standing below the fan.  The model shown is a Harbor Breeze Wakefield.  Other models have reverse switches on top as well.

Ceiling fan with no apparent way to reverse the fan direction
No reverse direction switch is visible on this ceiling fan- how do you reverse the direction?
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

The reverse direction switch is on top of some ceiling fan models
The reverse direction switch is hidden on top!
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Remote Control

Another way to change the rotation direction of a ceiling fan is using the remote control.  If your ceiling fan has a remote control, there may be a combination of buttons on the remote that can be pressed to reverse the fan direction.  If this is not labeled on your remote control, you will need to search for a manual to determine the correct buttons to change the fan direction using the remote control.  It may be easier to use the switch on the fan itself rather than using the remote control.

Recommended Reading

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Penny Pincher.  All Rights Reserved.  Privacy Policy

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sharpen Disposable Razor Blades and Save Money

Expensive Razor Blades

Sharpen Razor Blades, Save Money!
Sharpen Razor Blades, Save Money!
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher
Store display of Gillette Fusion razor blades, one box is priced at over $40 for 12 razor blades
Disposable razor blades are expensive
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Disposable razor blades are expensive!  I use a Gillette Fusion razor which uses a disposable razor cartridge with 5 blades.  Since my wife usually picks up razor blades for me, I had no idea how expensive they are.  The Gillette Fusion razor costs about $10 and comes with two disposable blade cartridges.  Packs of 4 razor blade cartridges cost about $16- this is $4 for each disposable razor blade.  So the old expression "give away the razor and sell the razor blades" is almost true in this case.  I would estimate that a razor blade cartridge lasts 3 or 4 weeks.  At this rate I would use 14 per year which adds up to $56 over one year.

Razor blades are made of steel- the Fusion actually has 5 blades.  Shick Hydro is a similar multi-blade razor product in this category.  It seems like something made of steel should be able to last longer than a few weeks against my beard.  It seems wrong to throw away something so expensive after such a short time.  Can you sharpen disposable razor blades?

Sharpening Disposable Razor Blades

After some research, I think I have come up with a way to make disposable razor blades last much longer.  You can find videos on the internet that show how to sharpen a razor blade using denim blue jeans.  The technique shown in the video is to push the razor along the jean with the blades facing backward.  My initial impression was that this is nonsense.  Cotton is much softer than steel (and much softer than whiskers even) and it does not seem possible that a soft material like cotton could sharpen steel.  The process of sharpening a blade requires some of the metal from the blade to be worn away to hone the edge and make it sharp.  Blue jeans are simply not a viable way to actually sharpen a razor.

After further reading and actually testing this technique, I think that the blue jean sharpening technique works- but not by sharpening the blades.  The process of rubbing the blades against the blue jeans is similar the rubbing a straight razor on a piece of leather to sharpen it.  This method of sharpening is known as stropping.  Rubbing the blade against leather straightens out the edge of the blade and thoroughly cleans and dries it.  This is the beneficial effect that you can get using denim to "sharpen" a disposable razor blade.  The primary reason that disposable razor blades get dull is that they get build-up of dried shaving cream residue and mineral deposits.  They can also get some rust on the surface since most people put them away damp.  Rubbing the blade along denim after shaving cleans, dries, and straightens out the blades and keeps them in new condition much longer.

Close-up of sharp disposable razor blade with microscope in background
Sharp disposable razor blade- no mineral deposits, dired shaving cream residue, or surface rust to dull the blade
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Better than the Blue Jean Sharpening Technique

My mind kept going back to the image of a barber rubbing an old fashioned straight blade against a leather strap to clean and sharpen it.  I don't want to keep a pair of jeans or even a piece of denim in my bathroom.  It would get wet and dirty.  What do I have that is more like leather?  Conveniently, skin is a lot like leather.

I tried this sharpening technique and it works great- rub the razor along your forearm from your elbow to your wrist.  Press the razor so it is in contact with skin- make sure the sharp part is facing opposite to the direction you are moving the blade.  In other words, run it backward along your arm so the blades will not cut you.  You will see that the razor blades looks clean and shiny after doing this about 20 times.  Next, I run the razor in this same backward direction along a towel to make sure it is really dry before putting it away.  My razor has stayed noticeably sharper by doing this.

Picture shows how to sharpen disposable razor blade by pushing along arm
Improvised leather strop sharpening technique for disposable razor blades.
Run the razor from near your elbow toward your wrist in the direction shown.
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

I think mineral deposits, hardened shaving cream residue, and surface rust cause most of the dulling effect of disposable razor blades.  Keep your blades clean and dry and they will stay sharp much longer.  I was amazed how well this works- give it a try and save money on expensive disposable razor blades.

Recommended Reading:
K-cup cost: Is it expensive to make coffee with a Keurig Coffee Maker?

Use a Cheap USB Flash Memory Stick to Speed up Windows 7

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Penny Pincher.  All Rights Reserved.  Privacy Policy

How Long Does It Take To Walk X Miles or X kilometers?

How Long Does It Take To Walk...

Man and Woman hurrying along road,  woman is looking at watch.
How long does it take to walk 1 mile?
Image courtesy of Ken Morrill CC-BY-2.0

The time it takes to walk a given distance depends on your walking speed.  Evaluation of walking speed determined the following typical walking speeds on a paved surface:

  • Leisurely walking speed is 3.14 mph or 5.06 km/hr.  This is approximately the average human walking speed.
  • Normal/purposeful walking speed is 4.22 mph or 6.80 km/hr
  • Brisk walking speed is 5.88 mph or 9.47 km/hr
The brisk walking speed is walking nearly as fast as possible- it would take excellent physical conditioning to sustain this pace for very long.  Normal or leisurely walking speeds could be sustained for a long time with little or no special conditioning.  The walking conditions will also impact walking speed: walking uphill or walking in bad weather is likely to be slower.  The walking speeds considered are based on walking on a paved, level surface.

Walking Time Calculator

Use the Walking Time calculator below to check walking time for any distance:
  • Enter the units you would like to use: miles, kilometers, or blocks
  • Enter your walking speed: leisurely, purposeful, or brisk
  • Enter the walking distance
  • Click 'Compute'
  • Results show how long it would take to walk the selected distance in seconds, minutes, and hours

Walking Time Calculator by Dr. Penny Pincher
Copyright (c) 2014. All Rights Reserved
Blocks (650 feet)
Walking Speed:
Leisurely (3.1 mph/5.1 km/hr)
Purposeful (4.2 mph/6.8 km/hr)
Brisk (5.9mph/9.5 km/hr)
Enter distance to Walk:

Result: Time to Walk= seconds
Result: Time to Walk= minutes
Result: Time to Walk= hours

* Remember to push the "Compute" button to update the result when you change units, walking speed, or distance!

For reference, the tables below show how long it would take to walk the given distance at each of the 3 walking speeds considered.  Note that the times provided do not include any breaks or rest stops and assumes that a steady walking pace is maintained.

Look up the walking time for a given distance in miles or kilometers below.  Walking time for distance in miles is given first, followed by kilometers (km).  Sometimes km is abbreviated simply as k, for example a 5k walk is 5km or about 3 miles.

How Long Does it Take to Walk 1 Mile?

One mile is a fairly short walk- you may be able to reach a local school or grocery store from your home with a one mile walk each way.

Leisurely walking speed: 19.1 minutes
Normal walking speed: 14.2 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 10.2 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 2 Miles?

A two mile walk is no problem for most people.  If you live in town, you can likely reach many schools and businesses with a 2 mile walk each way.

Leisurely walking speed: 38.2 minutes
Normal walking speed: 28.4 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 20.4 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 3 Miles?

A 3 mile walk is something you can easily accomplish during a 1 hour lunch break.

Leisurely walking speed: 58.1 minutes
Normal walking speed: 42.9 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 30.5 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 4 Miles?

Walking 4 miles may also be achievable during a lunch break if you are in good shape and have good walking conditions (good weather and flat walking surface).

Leisurely walking speed: 77.4 minutes
Normal walking speed: 57.1 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 40.7 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 5 Miles?

Walking five miles is more of a commitment.  You can walk across most small and medium size towns with a 5 mile walk each way.

Leisurely walking speed: 95.5 minutes
Normal walking speed: 71.0 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 51.0 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 10 Miles?

If you are stranded on the highway between towns, you might need to walk 10 miles to reach the next town.

Leisurely walking speed: 3.18 hours
Normal walking speed: 2.37 hours
Brisk walking speed: 1.70 hours

How Long Does it Take to Walk 100 Miles?

Walking one hundred miles without a break would be a long day- it would take about 24 hours at normal walking speed.

Leisurely walking speed: 31.8 hours
Normal walking speed: 23.7 hours
Brisk walking speed: 17.0 hours

How Long Does it Take to Walk 1 km (kilometer)?

One kilometer is a short walk- a few city blocks in most areas.

Leisurely walking speed: 11.9 minutes
Normal walking speed: 8.80 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 6.34 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 2 km (kilometers)?

A distance of two kilometers is a bit more than one mile, also a short walk for most people.

Leisurely walking speed: 23.7 minutes
Normal walking speed: 17.6 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 12.7 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 3 km (kilometers)?

You could walk 3 km during a 30 minute lunch break.

Leisurely walking speed: 36.1 minutes
Normal walking speed: 26.6 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 19.0 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 4 km (kilometers)?

If you are not ready to tackle a 4 mile walk, start with a 4 km walk.  It sounds almost as impressive!

Leisurely walking speed: 48.1 minutes
Normal walking speed: 35.5 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 25.3 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 5 km (kilometers)?

A five kilometer distance is equivalent to about 3 miles.  Most people can easily walk this distance.  A 5 km walk is also known as a 5 k walk.

Leisurely walking speed: 59.3 minutes
Normal walking speed: 44.1 minutes
Brisk walking speed: 31.7 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 10 km (kilometers)?

Ten kilometers is over 6 miles.  Walking this distance would take you across town in most small and medium sized cities.  At over an hour and a half at normal walking speed, a 10 k walk takes some commitment.

Leisurely walking speed: 1.98 hours
Normal walking speed: 1.47 hours
Brisk walking speed: 63.4 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Walk 100 km (kilometer)?

One hundred kilometers is a bit over 62 miles.  Walking 100 km would be a long day or night, taking over 12 hours to cover this distance.

Leisurely walking speed: 19.8 hours
Normal walking speed: 14.7 hours
Brisk walking speed: 10.6 hours

Recommended Reading:

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Penny Pincher.  All Rights Reserved.  Privacy Policy

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cell Phone Plans for Existing Cell Phones

Can I get cheap cell phone service for my existing cell phone?

Store sign for Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile
Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile Cell Phone Carriers offer Alternatives to the Major Carriers
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

I have an existing Blackberry cell phone on AT&T.  My 2 year contract ends in June and I will be the proud owner of a Blackberry cell phone.  Can I take advantage of the fact that I will have an existing cell phone that is paid for to get a lower cell phone bill?

The payment for a new cell phone is included in the contract plan when you sign up for service when you buy a cell phone.  For example if you get a $300 phone, you’ll pay $300 over 24 months at $12.50 per month to pay for the cost of the phone.

Since my phone is paid for, it seems like I should be able to find a plan that is about $12 per month cheaper.
If I go with a smaller carrier, I would prefer to have a no-contract plan in case I am not satisfied with the service or coverage.

My current monthly usage:

  • 100 minutes of voice calls
  • 150 texts including some with pictures
  • 100 Mb per month of data

I would be willing to give up data if I could save $20 per month or so.  I can use wi-fi instead of the cell network for data.  What options are available to get service for an existing cell phone?

Cell Phone Network Compatibility

One limitation of using your existing cell phone on a different network is compatibility.  GSM and CDMA are the major cell phone network types.  Your cell phone will be compatible with only one of these network types.

  • AT&T  and T-Mobile uses GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)
  • Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular use CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
  • Sprint has a "closed" list of ESN's so Verizon or US Cellular CDMA phones cannot be activated on Sprint network.

So my best bets among major carriers for an AT&T Blackberry are AT&T and T-Mobile.  There are also smaller carriers that use cell towers from the major carriers to provide service.  Some of these may be options as well.

Major Cell Phone Carriers

Following are highlights of offers from major cell phone carriers:


AT&T cell phones in store display
AT&T Store Display
Image source: Dr. Penny Pincher

  • $39.99 for 450 minutes voice
  • $20.00 for 300Mb data
  • $20.00 for unlimited texts

Expensive, but definitely compatible with my AT&T Blackberry.


Verizon Wireless store sign
Verizon Store Sign
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

  • $50 prepaid plan: unlimited voice, text, data on basic devices
  • Blackberry won’t qualify since it is a smart phone.  
  • I was not able to check the price for a smart phone plan on the website

As mentioned above, Verizon is not compatible with AT&T phones.


Sprint cell phone store sign
Sprint retail store
Image source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Option 1:

  • $39.95 450 minutes voice.
  • $5.00 add 300 messages

Option 2:

  • No-contract: $50/mo for unlimited voice, data and messages (on Sprint network)
  • $70 for smart phone plans

However Sprint network is not compatible with AT&T phones.


Bring your own phone plan: T-Mobile's website has links to help you unlock your phone if necessary.

  • $70 for unlimited voice, text, data.  
  • T-Mobile will sell you a SIM card to use in your existing phone
  • Family plans for $60 per line.

T-Mobile uses GSM like AT&T, so my old Blackberry may be compatible.
This may be a good deal if you use a lot of voice minutes or data, but I don't really need much.  I would like to find a plan for under $40 per month.  iWireless is a T-Mobile affiliate in Iowa and offers T-Mobile cell phone service.

U. S. Cellular

U. S. Cellular store sign
U.S. Cellular retail store
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

  • $50 for unlimited voice and text, 1GB data
  • $65 for unlimited voice and text, 2GB data
  • $35 for 400 minutes voice, 400 texts, 400 pics ($20 activation fee)

The U.S. Cellular website noted that pre-paid plans were not yet compatible with smart phones and indicated that must U.S. Cellular customer's phones would work with the pre-paid plans.  I didn't find information that indicated whether or not existing cell phones from other companies could be used.

Smaller Cell Phone Carriers

The smaller carriers use cell towers and infrastructure from the larger carriers to create their own plan offerings.

Boost Mobile

  • $60 unlimited talk and messaging, 2.5GB data
  • Payments shrink from $60 to $45 gradually as you make on-time payments
  • Service on Sprint network.

Sprint network is not compatible with AT&T phones, so this won't work for my AT&T Blackberry.


  • $40 unlimited talk, text, and data.  
  • First 500MB is at high speed 4G speed, then you get slower rate data for the rest of the month.  
  • You can pay $10 more to get 2.5GB of 4G data before it slows down.  
  • For $60 per month, you get unlimited 4G data.

It was not clear from the website whether I could use my 3G AT&T Blackberry on their service or not.


  • No contract plans, $50 for unlimited voice, messaging, and unlimited data, 1st 1GB at high speed
  • $60 +2.5GB high speed data
  • $70 5GB high speed data

The Cricket web site explains that existing phones can be flashed to Cricket service, but not all Cricket network features may work.

Page Plus Cellular

  • $12 plan with 250 minutes, 250 texts,  10MB data
  • $29.95 1200 min, 3000 texts, 250MB data

The Page Plus website says that only the small set of phones sold by Page Plus Cellular for use on their network is guaranteed to work.  So bringing an existing phone would be at your own risk.  The Page Plus Cellular phone prices range from $50 to $150.

The $12 plan sounds great…  I explored compatibility further and found that the following phones are compatible with Page Plus Cellular:

  • Page Plus
  • Alltel
  • Verizon
  • AMP’D

Unfortunately AT&T phones are not compatible on the Page Plus Cellular network,

Virgin Mobile

  • $35: 300 minutes, unlimited messaging, 2.5GB 4G data
  • $45: 1200 minutes, unlimited messaging, 2.5GB 4G data
  • $55: unlimited talk, unlimited messaging, 2.5GB 4G data

Uses Sprint network, so not compatible with my AT&T phone.
Also, the website says that you cannot use a phone from another network.

Straight Talk

  • Bring your own phone, keep your phone number
  • $45 unlimited data, talk, and text
  • $30 All you need plan:  1000 minutes, 1000 texts, 30Mb data
  • Bring a T-Mobile 4G phone and keep 4G service

Straight Talk services uses cell towers from several major carriers, so can support many types of phones including GSM phones like AT&T and T-mobile.  Straight Talk is a promising option if you have an existing cell phone and are looking for a good deal on cell phone service.

Recently, Straight Talk sim cards for AT&T are no longer sold in Walmart stores- you need to order these on-line.  Also, the Straight Talk website no longer talks of compatibility with AT&T phones- instead the description talks about compatibility with GSM phones.  This makes me nervous about future support for AT&T phones from Straight Talk.  Perhaps AT&T is realizing that AT&T customers are leaving AT&T to use the AT&T cell network through Straight Talk for half the cost.

Republic Wireless

  • Uses Sprint network and wi-fi to provide phone and data service
  • $19 and $29 unlimited plans with phone purchase

Republic Wireless use specific phone models for wi-fi service- their web site suggests the Motorola DEFY XT, so my AT&T Blackberry is not compatible.

Net10 Wireless

Net10 Wireless uses GSM networks, so is compatible with T-Mobile or AT&T phones.  The Net10 website says you can bring a T-Mobile compatible GSM phone, or an unlocked GSM phone that operates on compatible frequencies (850 and 1900 MHz).  You can purchase a Net10 standard or micro SIM card to get your phone on Net10 Wireless service.  Net10 has a $45 per month unlimited talk, text, and data plan renewable 30 days at a time that sounds promising.

Penny Pinching Tips

  • Cell phones and cell phone service are expensive- so choose wisely.  Pick the lowest cost phone and plan that meets your needs.
  • Cell phone network compatibility limits your ability to take your existing cell phone and move it to a different network
  • Some no-contract cell phone plans are likely compatible with your existing phone and may save you money
  • The $12 plan from Page Plus Cellular sounds promising, but you'll need an Alltel or Verizon phone
  • Straight Talk with a $45/month unlimited plan looks to be a good deal for my existing AT&T Blackberry phone and probably for existing phones from most other carriers as well
  • Net10 Wireless with a $45/month unlimited plan looks promising for T-Mobile and AT&T phones

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fix the Xbox Ring of Death for $2.99

What is the Xbox Ring of Death?

There are several meanings of "ring of death" for Xbox 360.  One definition of ring of death is when the Xbox lights up all three red error lights on the console to indicate a general failure.  This forms a red circle which is known as the Xbox ring of death. Ouch.

The definition to be discussed in this article is the ring of death that occurs when the Xbox scratches a game disc and forms a ring of damage.  This will often render a game disc useless.  The picture below shows an Xbox game disc with a ring of death.  This game still played, but would crash due to the damage to the disc.

Xbox game disc with ring of damage caused by Xbox
Xbox Ring of Death
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

How to Fix the Xbox Ring of Death

The surface of the disc is scratched, which blocks the laser light inside the disc reader from properly reflecting off of the back surface of the disc where its data is encoded.  The disc is made of plastic, and the scratched part of the plastic turns white and opaque.  This layer of the plastic can be polished to make it transparent again.

In the past I have taken a damaged disc to a nearby Family Video store for repair.  This cost about $3, but it took a couple days to get the disc back since it was sent out for repair.  This time, I wanted to find a shop that could repair the disc while I waited.  I went to Video Games ETC!  They had a machine that looked like a JFJ Easy Pro Disc Repair Machine or similar system.  These machines can be purchased on for about $120.  They resurfaced the disc in about 30 seconds and it looked like new.  The bill was $2.99.  See picture of the repaired disc below.

Game disc restored to new condition, ring of death removed
Xbox Ring of Death Repaired
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

There are suggestions on the Internet to use toothpaste, banana peels, and household polishing compounds to repair scratches in discs.  This sounds feasible if it will remove the scratched plastic on the surface of the disc.  There may be some chance of making things worse if you use the wrong abrasive material to polish the disc and end up making more scratches and damaging the surface further.

There are also do-it-yourself scratch repair kits for sale starting at under $5.  Fortunately the Xbox ring of death has only happened twice in 2 years at our house, so paying $3 to have a professional repair makes sense for me.  Another option: get a cheap disc repair kit on eBay

How to Prevent the Xbox Ring of Death

The high rotation speed of the disc makes it very sensitive to any movement of the console while the disc is spinning, which is basically all the time while playing a game.  The damage in the picture above occurred while sliding the Xbox console very gently to plug in a headset with headphones and a microphone.  The best way to avoid getting the Xbox ring of death is:
  • Don't touch your Xbox at all while it is running!  Any movement can cause ring of death...
  • Turn off your Xbox or remove the game disc when your Xbox is not in use

Best RV: Motorhome or Travel Trailer?

What Type of Recreational Vehicle (RV) is Best?

Recreational Vehicles (RVs) are mobile living spaces that include beds, a bathroom, a kitchen, and other amenities of home.  These vehicles can be used for camping or even for long-term residences.  They can also be used as handy guest accommodations when you need extra bedrooms at your house.  If you're traveling to visit friends or family, you can bring your own bedroom if you want.

The two main types of recreational vehicles are motorhomes and travel trailers.  Motorhomes include a built-in vehicle with an engine, while travel trailers are towed by a pick-up truck.  The pros and cons of both types of recreational vehicles are presented.


The most common motorhome types are Class C and Class A.  Class C motorhomes are based on a van style body, while Class A motorhomes are based on a bus style body.  Class A motorhomes look like a tour bus from the outside.  One nice feature of Class C motorhomes is the over cab bed- the space above the driving compartment converts to a large bed with a nice view.

24 foot class C motorhome
Class C Motorhome- 1986 Winnebago Minnie Winnie
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Driver and passenger seat, with bed over the top
Cab of a Class C Motorhome with bed over cab
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher
Both types of motorhomes may have slideouts to increase living space.  A slideout is a part of the motorhome that expands- or slides out- when the motorhome is parked to provide more living space.  Slideouts make a big difference in increasing the amount of room available which is especially useful if you are traveling with a large group.

Pros of Motorhomes vs Travel Trailers

  • You do not need to own a pickup truck which can cost $20K or more
  • You do not need to hitch/unhitch your recreational vehicle
  • Motorhomes are easier to drive and park than towing a travel trailer

Cons of Motorhomes vs Travel Trailers

  • After you reach your camping destination, you still need to drive the large vehicle (can't unhitch the house part)
  • Maintenance- you'll need to maintain both a vehicle and a house
  • Motorhomes generally cost more to purchase than a travel trailer of similar age and size

Travel Trailers

Travel trailers are recreational vehicles that are designed to be towed with a pickup truck.  The two main types are conventional and fifth-wheel.  Conventional trailers hitch to a pickup truck below the bumper of the truck, while fifth-wheel trailers hitch to the truck bed using an adapter.  Fifth-wheel trailers have a smaller turning radius than conventional trailers.  However you need to install a fifth-wheel adapter in your truck bed, and you'll need to remove the hitch adapter if you want to use your truck bed for other jobs.  Conventional trailers often use "sway bars" to help stabilize the trailer and keep it in line behind the tow vehicle.

Like motorhomes, travel trailers have slideouts available to increase floor space when the trailer is parked.

Travel trailer with hitch
Travel Trailer Hitch on 26 foot Zeppelin by Keystone
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Travel trailer with slideout extended
Slideout on travel trailer- Zeppelin by Keystone
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Ball hitch on pickup truck
Ball hitch for conventional travel on pickup truck
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Close-up of trailer hitch
Conventional trailer has tongue that hitches to ball hitch on a pickup truck
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

5th wheel trailer hitch
5th wheel hitch on 5th wheel travel trailer hitches to mechanism installed in bed of pickup truck
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

the bed of a pickup with a 5th wheel hitch receiver and trailer hitched up
5th wheel trailer hitch receiver installs into the bed of a pickup truck
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Pros of Travel Trailers vs Motorhomes

  • You can unhitch your travel trailer when you arrive at your camping destination and drive your truck
  • Low maintenance- just torque the wheel nuts, grease, and winterize
  • Travel Trailer purchase price is usually less than a motorhome for similar age and size

Cons of Travel Trailers vs Motorhomes

  • You need to own a pickup truck to tow the trailer which can cost $20K or more
  • You will need to hitch/unhitch your recreational vehicle
  • Backing up a travel trailer is more difficult than backing up a motorhome

Truck Campers

Another option to consider is a truck camper.  This is a camper that slides into the bed of a pickup truck.  The amount of space inside a truck camper is limited since the camper is only about 14 feet long.  However this may be a convenient option for 1 or 2 people to use when traveling.  Truck campers can have bathrooms, showers, and kitchen facilities similar to travel trailers and motorhomes, but packed into a much smaller space.

With a truck camper, you get the advantages of a travel trailer over a motorhome.  You have a pickup truck to drive rather than driving a motorhome when you reach your destination.  Also, you do not need to deal with towing at all- the truck camper does not change the handling of the truck, and backing up with a truck camper is easy- backing up with a travel trailer takes some practice.  Some truck campers, like the shown below, have a bed over the cab of the pickup truck similar to a Class C motorhome.

Pickup truck with truck camper, side view
Pickup truck with truck camper, side view
Image source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Pickup truck with truck camper, view from back
Pickup truck with truck camper, view from back
Image source: Dr. Penny Pincher

Small RVs

Class B motorhomes are van campers that are typically the size of a full-size van in length and may have a higher roof. Class B's are similar in size to a truck camper.  The smaller size of a van camper means that it is easier to drive and park at your destination.

Pop-up campers are towed behind a vehicle in a compact form, and then are assembled into full size at the campsite.  Assembly involves folding out tent sections from the main part of the camper.  Pop-up campers are lightweight and may be towed by a car or truck.

How to Decide?

  • If you already have a pickup truck, a travel trailer may be a better option than a motorhome
  • If you don't already have a pickup truck, a motorhome would require only a single purchase vs. purchasing both a travel trailer and a pickup truck
  • Get a book on motorhome and travel trailer repair and maintenance- this will let you know what to expect for each of these options so you can make the best choice
  • Consider smaller RV options such as truck campers, Class B motorhomes, and pop-up campers.  If you don't need a lot of space, these may be less expensive and easier to drive.
  • Look for deals on eBay:

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Penny Pincher Journal
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

ModCloth Return Experience

ModCloth: Vintage and Unique Style

ModCloth sells vintage and vintage-style clothing.  My wife ordered a few items from the ModCloth website for her birthday.  I don't know much about fashion, but I do know that my wife rarely buys clothes online and seemed excited about the unique and vintage styles she found at ModCloth.  Apparently these are not things you could pick up at your local shopping mall.

ModCloth invoice close-up
ModCloth Invoice
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

The Package Arrives

The package arrived promptly, but we intercepted the package and hid it away for a few days until my wife's birthday arrived.  We didn't want her to open it by mistake before her birthday.  It would be hard to mistake this package for any other- the box had a wood grain print and the distinctive ModCloth logo with mushrooms in light blue.

ModCloth Box with purple logo and white woodgrain design
ModCloth Package Arrives
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

If the shoe fits...

Everything looked perfect, especially the nice light blue shoes.  They were a European size, and unfortunately happened to be a bit too small.  I would think shoes are hard to order online or via catalog since the fit of shoes varies.  She tried a couple times, but the shoes were simply too small.  Now what?

The Return Experience

It was up to me to try to return the shoes.  Just like it is up to me to take out garbage and go get milk if we run out.  I had never even heard of ModCloth.  I feared that shipping shoes wherever they came from (it turns out ModCloth is based in Pittsburgh) would be expensive.  Would I have to talk with a customer service agent, or even a call center employee, to arrange to return the shoes?  Some companies require a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number in order to send something back.

ModCloth return policy, close-up
ModCloth Return Policy
Image Source: Dr. Penny Pincher

The ModCloth return process turned out to be the best I have ever experienced.  You simply:

  • Go to the ModCloth returns webpage.  This is listed on the invoice.
  • Select your order from the list that is presented when you log in
  • Select the item or items you want to return- just click on the picture of the item you are returning
  • Select a reason for the return from a list
  • Print a shipping label with FREE shipping.  

I noted the 6th bullet on the Return Policy- shoes must be packaged in a larger box so that postage stickers are not applied to the shoe box.  This was no problem- I just placed the shoe box inside the original ModCloth shipping box that was used to ship the shoes to my wife.

All that was left is to tape the shipping label to the box and drop it off at the Post Office or FedEx.  The total process took less than 10 minutes.  I was able to deal with a company I had never heard of to return a product that I was completely unfamiliar with.  All I had to do was look at pictures and click on the thing I wanted to return.  Did I mention that return shipping was also free?  Nice!

Recommended reading:

Penny Pincher Journal
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